Praise Report

Resting In God, Blessed In Work And Marriage

I grew up with a legalistic background. No one ever taught me that my heavenly Father loves me and wants to be involved in every aspect of my life, nor did I hear anything about resting in Him and allowing Him to do the work. Instead, what I learned was that we could only go to God for healing when all else had failed.

As a result, I became very headstrong and self-sufficient. These are qualities usually deemed good to have by the world, but they only made me defensive and self-righteous.

Several years ago, I discovered Joseph Prince’s teachings on the gospel of grace but I did not understand the message. I thought I did but it was only recently that I realized I had been striving to please men all along—men like my boss and my husband. This wore me out. It came to a point where I felt so many demands placed on me that I cried out to God.

God brought me back to the teachings of Joseph Prince. His teachings on the book of Job and the resource titled, Win The Battle Over Bitterness, were game changers for me. I am learning to rest in God, to allow Him to defend me, and to see Him as my supply. I am learning to look to God and I see amazing changes.

During my mid-year review, my supervisor told me that supervisors two levels above her had noticed positive changes in me. They said I was much easier to communicate with and much more approachable. I know these changes are truly a result of heart transformation that is not of my own effort. I’m in awe that my Father would do these things for me and then allow me to receive all the accolades for it!

These same changes have also blessed my marriage. I finally realized that I can’t love my husband without God putting that love there first. So I rest in Him and allow His love to flow through me to my husband. It is wonderful!

Pastor Prince, your ministry has blessed us in so many ways. We feel a real connection to your church in Singapore. So far, I have fifty of your MP3 teachings and I listen to them constantly. I pray that this message of grace will continue to be available to the world and that you and your family will remain strong and healthy. God bless you all.

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