Praise Report

Restoration Of Health After Declaring God’s Protection

I was admitted to the hospital with extreme abdominal pain and was there for about a week. The doctors ran many tests and could not figure out what was wrong. Finally, they diagnosed me with gastritis and sent me home. Over the next few days, I experienced extreme dizziness, loss of focus, and weakness. I just couldn’t get better.

Then, I came across one of Pastor Joseph Prince’s sermon titled Protection From Danger, Accidents And Disease—Truths From Psalm 91. I learned about the power of Psalm 91 and how God wants to protect his people. I started declaring God’s protection over myself and right there and then, God healed me of my dizziness, weakness, and loss of focus.

I couldn’t look to the doctors, the Internet, or anyone else for my healing, but I could look to Jesus, the ultimate healer, who knew exactly what was going on inside me and restored me..

God is all powerful and we don’t have to be weak Christians in our faith. We can fix our eyes on Him and not on the circumstances surrounding us! To God be all the glory! May you continue to preach the healing power of Jesus! Amen!

Amy Rodriguez
Florida, United States
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