Praise Report

Restored With Better Health And Marriage After Knowing The Father’s Love

Pastor Prince, I grew up in a single-parent family with a very legalistic mother. My mother had to raise six children by herself so she clung to God the only way she knew how. However, the preaching that we were exposed to was all hellfire and brimstone.

At the age of six, my mother told me horrible things about my father and how he didn’t love me. When I was fourteen, she believed I needed to be delivered from “lust demons” after she found out I had a crush on a boy. I understand now that she had those beliefs because of what we were taught in church. Nevertheless, that led me to eventually turn away from God completely for many years. At sixteen I became pregnant and had a baby.

Eventually, I met my father when I was twenty-two. He denied that I was his child. After a year, he made it clear to me that he was only interested in me sexually. I never spoke to him again.

Last December, I went to the hospital because I was suffering from severe panic attacks. The next day, I injured my back and spent several nights on the couch. At this point, I knew that only God could help me so I spent my time watching Christian channels. I chanced upon your teaching on the love and acceptance of our Daddy God.

I could not accept what I heard at first because of my past. I grew up thinking God was mean and just waiting to send me to hell the first opportunity He had. After all, if my earthly father couldn’t love me, then why would my heavenly Father?

But as I continued to hear your teaching, I finally came to understand that all the feelings of being unloved were lies from the enemy—my Daddy God does love me! Now the anxiety is gone! Depression is gone! My health has greatly improved—my cholesterol was high and I was on the verge of diabetes but now, all those numbers have come down. My marriage that was on the verge of divorce is better than it has ever been.

Pastor Prince, my husband, kids, and I watch your program several nights a week and both of my younger children have given their hearts to Jesus through your broadcast!

Thank you for the message of the grace of God that you allow our Daddy God to work through you. I also thank God that you are out there spreading His love and grace for all the world! You are truly a blessing! And thank you most of all for sharing about my Daddy God to me in a way that I could finally believe and trust His love for me!

North Carolina, United States
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