Praise Report

Restored With Better Job And Pay

I was unfairly terminated in my first job after six weeks of employment. After that, I wrote repeatedly to New Creation Church to ask for prayer because I was so fearful and worried. I also felt a lot of shame at having lost the job within just six weeks. I felt so much pain as I left the office, but was comforted with the truth that God was with me!

His Spirit impressed upon me to just rest in Him. This baffled me. I could not understand how I could rest at a time when I should be turning over every stone to find a job. But fretting over the job search wore me out so I let the Spirit have His way. After that, I only sent out two job applications and forwarded my résumé to a friend.

Not long after, one of my friends got me an interview with a financial institution. This financial institution is one of the largest in the world and also one of the best in my country. The person who interviewed me had conducted four previous interviews for this position and did not like any of the other candidates. He had initially said that he would call me in a week to let me know if I had been selected for the second round. Imagine my surprise when he called me two hours after our meeting to arrange for the second interview!

I was really nervous during the second interview. But my friend had put in such a good word for me that I did not have any questions to answer. I was stunned! My prospective employer and I were joking and laughing throughout the entire interview. Before the interview, I had been claiming 2 Chronicles 20:17—“You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem! Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.” I never would have thought that this meant that I did not have a single question to answer.

Long story short, I got the job! I was able to fulfill my dream of working in the finance industry. When I was in the university, I had sent well over forty meticulously written applications to financial institutions but none were successful. So I had all but given up on ever getting into the industry. But God had other plans.

Now, when I look back on life, I start seeing how many times God had tried to push me forward, but I fought His current of grace and tried to do it my own way. This time, when I let His grace flow freely, I received His grace and I ended up being so blessed. I used to work in a run-down building. Now, I work in one of the nicest parts of the city in a beautiful building and I got a $20,000 pay rise from my previous job!

I was initially bitter toward my previous firm but now if I see them, I will give them a big hug and thank them. What they meant for my harm, God used for my good. That is His unearned, undeserved, unmerited favor at work in my life!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your teachings! During my sadness, the Spirit ministered to me through your daily devotional book. I would open the book and read the pages the Spirit prompted me to read. I was stunned as from each page, the Spirit led me and ministered to my soul saying, “God will work all things out for good,” “You have heard of My goodness, now you will see it,” “God will give you double for all your trouble”!

But thank you most of all for telling me how much God loves me! If I put into words all that God has done for me, I would need a thick book. Before I started listening to your teachings, I used to feel very guilty about my mistakes. Now, even when I fail, I know my God still loves me.

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