Praise Report

Restored with Better Job Through God’s Favor

Pastor Prince, I am a 24-year-old originally from a small town in South Africa but currently living in Manhattan, New York. I started following your ministry when I was about 17 or 18 years old. Recently, the Lord has been so good to me that I felt compelled in the Spirit to share a specific incident of His goodness.

I moved to New York City for work after graduating from college. My family and I were over the moon, thanking God for giving me such a wonderful opportunity. However, after a few weeks of working at my dream job, I was fired based on what I felt were false accusations.

I heard the voice of the enemy telling me that I had failed. I thought, Who do you think you are? What were you thinking, coming all the way to New York from a poor community in South Africa? Of course you’re not good enough! There were times I felt tempted to blame God.

For weeks, I didn’t know where I would get the money for my next rent or how to pay for my living expenses. The only thing I could do was spend time in prayer, partake of the holy Communion, and believe the Lord did not bring me all the way here just to fail me.

After 3 months of going to so many job interviews, looking at my savings declining, and hearing the increasingly loud voice of the enemy, I told myself that if I didn’t get a new job by the 4th month, I would have to go back home to South Africa.

At the same time, I felt strongly that the Lord was directing me to one of my favorite sermons of yours—Walking in the Undeserved Favor of God. In the message, you shared about how you went to a job interview confessing the favor of God. I was so moved by the message that every time I entered an interview room, I went in confessing the favor of God.

In late November, I received an invitation to a 3-round-interview with a global firm in Manhattan. For every round of interview, I entered resting and confessing, “I am blessed and highly favored! I am surrounded by grace, favor, and mercy, and I increase in favor with God and man!”

In early December, I was told that I had been offered the position! Additionally, I was offered US$10,000 more than what I was getting in my previous job and with amazing benefits.

Through this experience, I realized I had been relying too much on my own strength and constantly stressing in my previous job. I’ve never felt this loved by the Lord before, and it all came from believing I am the righteousness of God in Christ, and I have favor because of Him. I can’t wait to see where the favor of God will take me from here. All glory to Him!

God bless you, Pastor Prince!

New York, United States
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