Praise Report

Revelation Of Grace Removes Fear And Imparts Health

I am a 43-year-old male from Houston, Texas.

Recently, I had surgery on my right foot. During the pre-surgery, blood work was done and my liver count was slightly elevated. I was told that I needed to be screened for hepatitis.

The doctor went ahead and operated on my foot but told me to follow up with another doctor on the hepatitis screening.

Even though the foot surgery went well, I still hesitated to get the blood test done. I cannot begin to tell you how afraid I was. I have a young wife and a six-year-old boy, both of whom I love dearly.

I have been off work for some time now so I have been able to watch Pastor Prince’s preaching of Jesus’ amazing grace. I tune in daily right when I wake up in the morning, and I’ve been listening to the Word and gaining strength.

I have been a Christian since I was young but I was so afraid that God would not bless me with good health because of things I have done in my life. However, after listening to Pastor Prince teach on the grace of Jesus, I finally had the strength to face my fear and went for the hepatitis test on Tuesday.

I got the results today and the screen showed that it was negative and that I am healthy! Glory to God in the highest! I feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off me and I can now truly live life to the fullest.

Thank You, Jesus!

Shay Woolbright
Los Angeles, United States
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