Praise Report

Revelation Of Jesus Brings Supernatural Career Increase

I’ve been working in one of the three major telcos in Malaysia for six years now, and thanks to Jesus, I am currently an assistant manager in a new division that generates more than 50 percent of the revenue in the company. Talk about being at the right place, at the right time! Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!

I’ve prayed the Jabez prayer—that He will bless me, that His hand will always be with me, keeping me from harm and evil, and that He will give me time every day to have a greater revelation of Jesus Christ. At the same time, I’ve been feeding on the sermons, books and materials available from your website.

I have time for two sermons a day—one in the morning when I go to work, and one in the evening when I return from work. I also apportion an hour during lunch for my Bible reading or your books and materials.

Since then, I have found my work in the new division to be less taxing and stressful than it used to be. Even though I’ve been in the new team for less than a year, I was rated as “exceeding expectation” and enjoyed more than two months of bonus during the year-end review!

On top of enjoying supernatural favor at my current workplace, I’ve just received an offer from another company to be the head of a division, with a good 32 percent increase from my current salary. Given my abilities in the natural, nobody would believe that I could be appointed as head of a division. Thank God it’s not me, but Jesus’ grace and His finished work at the cross!

I’ve experienced so many blessings, favor, goodness and success throughout the past year—all of which I didn’t deserve but received because Jesus bore my sins at the cross and gave me His righteousness! Hallelujah! Restful increase is mine because He had shed His blood at the cross to redeem me!

I am indeed greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved, so much so that I sometimes don’t realize fast enough that it’s all because of Jesus’ finished work that I have all these blessings that I don’t deserve.

Pastor Prince, thank you for showing me the gospel of Jesus Christ and setting me free from every bondage. I pray in Jesus name’ that the true gospel of Jesus Christ will be preached through your ministry to every corner of the world, so that more and more souls will be set free, and blessings will flow freely in everyone’s life!

Once again, all the glory and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!

Caren Cheng
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