Praise Report

Revelations From A High School Freshman

My name is Amy and I am only 14 years old. I figured that everyone’s testimony is equally important, and because Joseph Prince Ministries has touched my life, I might as well share mine. Sometimes I feel as though adults have forgotten about the struggles we teenagers face day in and day out. We haven’t had as much experience in the world as the older generation but God can use us to reveal great truths just like the rest of the adults.

At age six, I placed my trust in Christ but never really “got it” for such a long time. Over the last six or seven months though, it has been totally amazing how much God has changed my life. I am currently a freshman in high school and sometimes it feels as though I am living through pure hell.

For so long I have focused on how much my life has been SO HARD. But really? How hard is my life compared to others out in the world living in hunger, or harder than those who are homeless, or even both?

My needs are met! I have all of these wonderful experiences happening to me and God is making known to me how much He cares about my life and how much He puts into my life. It is just absolutely amazing how perfect God’s timing is! Have you ever just sat back and looked at your life and the incredible challenges that God has helped you overcome? How God has seen everything so far ahead of us and basically just KNOWS? It astounds me all the time.

But Christ is teaching as well as showing me His grace. His unmerited favor. And can I just say, in the perspective of a girl who is still figuring out life as well as herself, that God’s grace is incomparable and incomprehensible. God has given me this life of wonderful happenings, and now I don’t sit and go, “High school? Gross.” Now, it’s like, “Man, high school...What is God going to do for me today?”

Realizing God’s favor on and in my life has made everything just that much better and not to mention easier. Now, as I am faced with temptations, I can use what I have learned to walk out my own faith and help others.

Thank You, God, for such a beautiful time on this earth! My goal in life is to be a witness to those who are walking out their faith. I know that I am young and have a long life ahead of me, but I intend to live every day to the fullest. Of course, that is much easier said than done. But with God on my side, all things are possible! He has given me this life for a purpose and I intend to fulfill His plan. I want to not just “be a Christian”...but to LIVE as one in all that I do.

I’m praying that my testimony will bring some sort of hope for other teens going through the same things.

Amy Louise
Oklahoma, United States
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