Praise Report

Reversal Of Mom’s Renal And Liver Failure After Prayer

My mother was taken to the hospital in late July and the doctors told us that she was in complete renal and liver failure. Our family was asked to gather and we were informed that the next 24 to 48 hours were crucial.

As my family gathered in the room, everyone was crying. I remember praying and telling God that He can heal my mother and as Jesus is, so is she on this earth. That’s what I had learned from listening to Pastor Joseph Prince in a three-CD message where he shared a testimony about a lady who was diagnosed with lumps in her breast.

Three days later, my family was told to take my mother home, to make her comfortable and let her eat what she wanted. Then, in August, my mother was admitted to the emergency room after feeling sick. The doctor requested blood work and a couple of hours later, he asked my sister why our mother was placed in hospice care because he could not find anything wrong with her kidneys and her liver was almost working normally too.

My mother currently has a good appetite and is talking and trying to walk on her own. A few weeks ago, she told me that she’d made it to the edge of heaven at the time she was in the hospital in July. She had told God that she was not ready because she needed more time to see her great-great grandchild.

Praise the Lord because as He is in heaven, so are we on this earth. Jesus does not have complete renal or liver failure and neither does my mother on this earth!

Jo AnnMiranda
Texas, United States
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