Praise Report

Right Believing Sets A Heart Ablaze

Greetings Pastor Prince! Where do I start? Humbly and tearfully, I ask your endurance as I attempt to share thoughts and revelations from the last few weeks—after purchasing and reading The Power of Right Believing book.

I’ve read many Christian books and I would say that The Power of Right Believing is the best book I’ve ever read, second only to the Bible.

I grew up as an abused child with wrong believing throughout most of my life. I’ve been attending church but unfortunately, I experienced a considerable amount of false teaching and biblical counsel.

I only heard about God’s grace when I was 42 years old. Even then, it was not at the depth that I desperately needed to know. It’s only now that I’m 57 years old that I’m experiencing the freedom of God’s love and beautiful grace in a supernatural way because of your book and web broadcast. I never knew Jesus—the real Jesus I now know after reading about Him in your newest book.

For many years, I believed that I had unresolved sin in my life and because of it and the shame I felt, I could never measure up to God’s standards.  I felt tremendous guilt, shame and hopelessness.

I’m embarrassed to admit but every time the baptism pool was filled with water, I jumped in—too many times to count. How ridiculous! I never felt clean enough, holy enough and acceptable to God because I wrongly believed that every time I sinned, I lost my right standing with God. I was led to believe that I was “re-born” by the water and things would eventually change in my life, and I would finally be free from sin.

Pastor Prince, as I read your book, I found myself relating to the account of the Samaritan woman at the well because her story is similar to mine as I have been married multiple times, each time not fully understanding the sacred covenant of biblical marriage.

Clearly, I could hear my heavenly Father speaking to my broken heart and telling me that I am worthy, valued and His beloved daughter in Christ. Most importantly, I know how much He loves me and longs for me to experience freedom from the guilt and condemnation I’ve been carrying around in my body all these years. I’ve never experienced a revelation like this in my entire life from any book, CD or teaching and I’m so very grateful to you for writing this book for such a time as this season.

Your teaching about the finished work on the cross has also left me beyond words to express fully the love I have for my Savior knowing that He took sin into His broken body for me and that when He sees me, He sees me as beautiful through the cross.

I was particularly touched by the vision you shared from the Lord about what happened on the cross—that Jesus could not die until every disease and sin was taken into Him as punishment (on pages 84-85). I couldn’t get the magnitude of that vision out of my head even three weeks later! Every time I think or speak of it, I cry over His sacrifice and love for me. It’s hard for me to believe that someone would love me so much to take all of my failings and shortcomings so that I could walk in freedom and victory in this life. I never believed I could live a victorious life until now.

Pastor Prince, I accepted the “One Week Challenge” (on page 234) where you encouraged us to be conscious of Jesus’ love and to see Him with us when we feel fear, doubt or pain. Well, that one week turned into three weeks! Fifteen years ago, I was diagnosed with an incurable neurological condition but since I committed to the challenge, I am experiencing relief from the symptoms of this disease. Praise God! Now, I know truths about the cross and that God does not intend for me to be disease-ridden and these are NOT from Him as punishment. I’ve been punishing myself for so many years because of guilt, failure and defeat but I now believe that Jesus took my disease into His body on the cross. I believe I am healed and will walk in that truth daily.

On a Sunday while reading your book, I prayed the prayer on the phone from the section entitled, Release Your Failings to Jesus, (page 107) with my brother and sister. Like me, my siblings grew up punishing themselves for their failures and repeated mistakes. My twin sister, who is living a destructive lifestyle, recently purchased your book along with The 100 Days of Right Believing devotional.  The power of the Holy Spirit is now moving through my family! Halleluiah!

I also purchased a copy of your book for my 89-year-old spiritual mentor, a lady I’ve known for over 30 years. After she read the book, she said, “Pastor Prince opened up the Bible to me in a way I’ve never experienced. I’ve always found it hard to get the real and full meaning from the Bible. He opened up more about the Bible and Jesus than I’d ever known. The fact that Jesus took care of our sins through the finished work and that people can put Christ in their past mistakes—I had to read his words three or four times because I’ve never heard these things taught in church my entire life.” Then she told me she could not wait to share the book with her children and church family. Oh, thank you, loving Father, for opening the eyes of your believers in this season of awakening!

Because of The Power of Right Believing, I cannot sit back and not share what I’ve learned with others. I have a blazing in my heart to keep sharing the gospel of grace. So I’ve started Ransomed Grace, a ministry to those who don’t know what they don’t know about the price that Jesus paid for their very lives.

Thank you so much for your incredible ministry and for sharing the message of God’s love to the world. I believe, Pastor Prince, that you are the awakening voice of grace to the world in preparation for our end of times.

Please know that I will pray diligently for you, your family and your church. The impact on my life is indescribable and may God be glorified in knowing that one of His beloved children now walks in freedom and victory! AMEN.

Mary Leola Gossett
South Carolina, United States
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