Praise Report

Saved From Rapist, Freed From Shame, Blessed To Be A Blessing

I have known Jesus since I was a little girl, thanks to my mom. When I was eight, I gave my heart to the Lord and was baptized into His family. But before I became a believer, when I was six years old, my brother’s teenage friend molested me. I didn’t dare to tell anyone about the incident because my molester had threatened to kill me if I did. So even after I became a believer, the pain and guilt of the shameful incident were carried into my teenage years. And I began to turn to drinking and partying to numb my pain.

When I was sixteen, I went to a party and drank several shots of strong grain alcohol. I spent the rest of that evening in and out of consciousness. Later, I was found in the woods, passed out behind someone’s car tire. I was in rough shape. The next thing I knew, I was in the backseat of a sedan with five other people, all of whom were not wearing seat belts. I realized the driver, who was most likely intoxicated, was driving us to some location. However, I lost consciousness again and did not know where we were headed.

When I came around, the guy next to me was trying to have his way with me. By then, I was all alone. I was paralyzed with fear and all I could do was cry out in my head, “God, help me! God, help me!” Immediately, there were two strong knocks on the vehicle’s rear windscreen. My attacker leaped out of the car and I also stumbled out at the same time. There I was, standing before a big, white Methodist church! In a daze, but much more alert now, I gazed around. There was not a single human being to be seen.

I want to share this because I am living proof that the Lord never leaves us nor forsakes us. Nor are we beyond His saving grace. Even in the midst of my wandering through the wilderness, He was always there for me. I believe that it was the Lord who commanded His angels to guide the car so that it did not veer off the road and take my life that night. It was the Lord who kept the alcohol from poisoning my blood. And it was the Lord who sent His angel to knock on the windscreen at that very moment when I cried out to Him in my distress, keeping me from being harmed.

Pastor Prince, I am now happily married to a wonderful, godly man, with two beautiful girls of my own. I have spent too many years ashamed of my past but your ministry has unveiled my eyes to see myself the way God truly sees me. For many years, I couldn't talk about my experiences with anyone without feelings of depression, bitterness and anger towards the men who hurt me. It wasn't until I read Destined to Reign that I began to truly heal from my past and I can now talk about those men with love and compassion and see them as lost sheep whom Jesus loves and died to save. I used to weep bitterly, now I am filled with joy and peace overflowing.

My God, my wonderful, loving Daddy God! Everything I am, I owe it all to my Daddy God, who sought me out in my darkest hour and pulled me up from the pit, healed me of my wounds, and blessed me with a family. Now I know He sees me without blemish because the blood of Christ has cleansed me from all unrighteousness. I know I am His beloved daughter in whom He is well pleased. Now, I play a part in my mother’s blog dedicated to the spreading of the real gospel that you and (the Apostle Paul) preach. I believe God has set me apart for such a time as this.

Ohio, United States
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