Scalded Hand Miraculously Healed By Beholding Jesus
While I was making tea one evening, the steam from the kettle scalded my hand pretty badly. I put some ointment on it but it did not help. I also could not sleep that night as the burned hand was throbbing with pain.
Then I remembered the Bible account of the leper whom Jesus healed in Matthew 8:1–3. I had just read the retelling of this story in Pastor Prince’s new book, Grace Revolution. I love how Pastor described that the leper was restored with fresh, new skin when Jesus touched and healed him.
As I lay down in bed meditating on how Jesus renewed the leper’s skin, the pain on my burned hand just melted away and my hand was completely well! I received my healing as I was just beholding Jesus—something often taught by Pastor Prince.
Thank you, Pastor Prince, for always revealing the beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Texas, United States