Praise Report

Scholarship For Son Received Through God’s Grace

I’ve been listening to Pastor Prince for several months now and everything is improving in my life. I have a new understanding of God’s blessings in Christ. I have been struggling to move forward under the usual laws and penances of Christianity for years.

Through Joseph Prince’s teachings, I believe that God loves to bless. Well, top of my prayer requests was a scholarship for my son. I had been trying to “rescue” my son from a school that I felt wasn’t right for him. So we applied for some scholarships last year. Right up until last week, he had not gotten any.

Last week, I rang the schools again. At this time, most places at the good schools were taken, signed and sealed. But I know Jesus wants the best for my son and that he is “the head and not the tail, above and not beneath”.

I kept praying and asking the Lord to free up a scholarship for my son. Then, I started to see God’s grace in the situation and most of all tried to remember that it wasn’t my efforts, but Jesus on the cross buying him this gift.

The next time I rang the school, the school’s answer was, “Yes, someone has dropped out. I have a scholarship for your boy!” Wow, amazing! And the Lord reminded me of someone who could help with the rest of the school fees.

So God knew all along that the funds were there. I just had to trust in the finished work of Jesus and that I was hearing Him right. I also applied your teachings in the “speak out in faith” CD sermon. I can’t describe my gratitude to Jesus and this gospel truth that tells us that God doesn’t want us to suffer and “pay Him back” for His sacrifice, but wants us to have the best!

United Kingdom
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