Praise Report

Secure In Salvation, Teaching In Well-Known School

I grew up being taught that I could lose my salvation. Therefore, each time I sinned, I felt compelled to confess my sin. I also associated being righteous to doing right and thought that God was always angry with me. As a result, I also believed that I could lose my salvation if I did not do what was pleasing to Him.

Then one day, my cousin’s wife introduced me to Pastor Prince’s sermons. At first, I did not believe what Pastor Prince was saying. However, a part of me told me that there was truth in what he was preaching. So I checked every verse he mentioned just to see if what he was saying was true. I also began asking God for an open heart and an open mind to listen to His words through Pastor Prince.

My cousin loaned me her copy of Unmerited Favor. I finished the book in three days, even though I was preparing for my board examination to become a licensed teacher at that time. I realized that all of my past beliefs about salvation were wrong and God was really not angry with me. I was set free and I was eager to share this good news with others in church. I have since read the book four times and I’ve also read Destined To Reign.

Now, my life has changed. I have also learned to be able to discern between the teachings that exalt Jesus and those that expound on the importance of man’s efforts. I’ve also been claiming that I am a successful person because the Lord is with me and guess what? I passed the licensure examination for teachers. I am now a grade two teacher in one of the well-known Christian schools here in Baguio.

God is faithful and I am indeed greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved. I am no longer doubtful about God’s love for me and I am confident that I can never lose my salvation because God has forgiven me once and for all.

Praise God for using Pastor Prince to help us break free. God bless you!

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