Secured a Well-Paying, Full-Time Position
My husband and I have been attending GRC Online for a couple of years and enjoy the online services every Sunday. Sadly, it’s a bit far for us to make it in person from downtown Dallas every week.
We first started attending the services online when my job situation was uncertain. I had been working a string of temporary contract positions in corporate compliance since right before the COVID-19 lockdown in 2019. My last contract position paid the lowest I’ve received since the early 1980s, but it was a position God had given me in an industry I had never worked in before.
I told myself I was gaining experience and broadening my horizons, and this was Romans 8:28 in action. The department was great, and I loved the people I worked with. But all the while, I kept my eyes open for a permanent, full-time position.
About 4 months into my last contract position, I interviewed and was accepted for a full-time position that paid more than any position I had ever had in the past. The team I now work with is also great. I thank God every day for this opportunity. I had just missed the cutoff date for the annual bonus, but that didn’t dampen the fact that this was God’s blessing to me.
Then, 3 months into the position, I found out I would receive a merit increase and an incentive bonus—something that doesn’t happen in corporate America for someone who hasn’t worked for at least a year.
We give God all the glory and honor and thank GRC for the sound, biblical teaching of Jesus’ blessings and grace to us.
Texas, United States