Praise Report

Secured Ideal Job With Good Salary After Making Prayer Request

I had been looking for a job for seven months without success. Shortly after submitting my prayer request to Joseph Prince Ministries, I received five job interviews within the same week!

I have never been “bombarded” with so many job interview requests before. One time, I checked my email after an interview and saw another email for an interview. Another time, while making my way to an interview, I received another interview request on my mobile phone.

Not only that, I was offered the job that I wanted the most. How it happened was nothing short of a miracle. It turned out that the company had replied to my old email address (which I could no longer access) with an interview arrangement. When I didn’t show up for the interview, a human resource staff phoned me. I explained what had happened and asked if the interview could be rescheduled. The company agreed to interview me the following day!

I did very well for the practical test as well as the interview. The company even offered me a top-range salary—higher than what I had asked for. Praise God Almighty for His help in times of trouble.

Thank you, Joseph Prince Ministries, for attending to my prayer request. God bless you.

Daniel Ringuette
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