Praise Report

Seeing The Complete Work Of Jesus On The Cross

I accepted Jesus when I was a young child but my Christian walk has been a rocky one to say the least. I grew up in church, but it was more like hell, fire and brimstone, which brought a lot of condemnation. There were days when I just wanted to go home to be with Jesus, since I could not measure up to God’s standards here on earth. But now, I understand that I do, only because of Jesus and that God chose me and has plans for my life. I had struggled with the love of God since I did not have a relationship with my earthly father.

Almost two years ago, I started listening to Joseph Prince. I am now beginning to see the good news, the gospel of grace, and the perfect and complete work that Christ has finished for me at the cross of Calvary. I have been set free and my life is now being transformed from the inside out. He is continually revealing Himself and His beautiful Son, Jesus, and His amazing grace.

Thank you, Joseph Prince, for answering the call that God has on your life. I am beginning to see how beautiful, how perfect and how complete His love for me is. I am a new creation. I am complete in Christ and I am seated at the right hand of God in Christ! Thank You, Abba, for Jesus. Thank You, Christ Jesus, for Your sacrifice for me! Thank you, Joseph Prince. Through you and God’s message of grace, I am free! I just turned 48 years old last week and for the first time in my life, I AM FREE! I am speechless, overwhelmed and very much LOVED!

Stephanie Danielson
Tennessee, United States
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