Praise Report

Seizure-Free After Twenty-Five Years Of Epilepsy

I suffered from epilepsy for twenty-five years. The condition also caused me to have grand mal seizures. Whenever I had a seizure attack, I would be unconscious for thirty minutes and wake up with my body bruised and my tongue bleeding from biting.

All my brothers-in-Christ would pray for me and tell me what I needed to do to get my healing. By faith I did all I was taught to do. Yet, nothing worked. I also went to a neurologist who prescribed different sorts of medication for me but to no avail.

I tried everything. I prayed in the Spirit, confessed healing Scriptures, fasted, took Holy Communion, bound and loosed things, and even took classes on general healing but all to no avail. This epilepsy cost me two marriages, my carpentry business, and almost my own life!

I couldn’t understand why I was still suffering from epilepsy when I knew and believed that Jesus’ finished work at the cross took away all my sins and sicknesses. So after twenty-five years, I still believed that I wasn’t seeing my healing because I was doing something wrong.

Then, by the grace of God, my pastor gave me a copy of Joseph Prince’s book titled, Destined To Reign. After I started reading it, I could not put it down!

I felt a heavy burden taken off me. I ordered all of Pastor Prince’s resources and started watching his television broadcast. Pastor Prince, I had to unlearn so much of what I had been  taught about faith and grace.

I realized that I had been unconsciously condemning myself, as I believed I was not being right with Jesus. I always thought I had to perform for Jesus to heal me. Now, I know how to rest in His faith and just believe that He can and is willing to bless me because He loves me.

Pastor Prince, after twenty-five years, I am now seizure free. Praise God!

Kevin Ferrell
Florida, United States
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