Praise Report

Set Free From 20-Year Smoking Addiction

I have been a Christian since 2008. When I got born again, I was so in love with Jesus. However, gradually, I felt that I was not doing enough for God. I also had a detestable addiction to smoking that lasted for twenty years.

Back then, I was serving in my church choir and every time before and after my choir practice, I would hide outside the church to smoke. I felt like a hypocrite. I tried to quit smoking through nicotine patches, medication, and my “iron will.” But the more I tried to quit, the more I had the desire to smoke! Gradually, going to church became a duty and I would skip church in exchange for sleep.

I knew this wasn’t how I felt when I first got born again, so I prayed that God would lead me to fall in love with Him again. Then, a friend invited me to New Creation Church. During worship, I felt God’s presence and love so strongly. And my prayer was answered when I heard Pastor Prince speak—I fell in love with Jesus all over again.

Even though I was already a Christian who had read the Bible, I did not fully understand it until Pastor Prince unveiled God’s truth when he preached and showed me God’s love from the Scriptures.

Going to church became a joy and His Word became a necessity for me, like food. Week after week, I grew in the revelation of God’s great love for me. And as encouraged by Pastor Prince in his messages, I would confess that I am the righteousness of God in Christ even when I was smoking.

At first, I felt really stupid and hypocritical, but I continued with my confession and asked God to take away all my desire to smoke. Over time, I grew to hate the taste and smell of cigarettes. I would smoke halfway and stop because it tasted funny. God took away all my desire to smoke!

It has been three years now since I stopped smoking. Praise God for truly all glory belongs to Him!

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