Praise Report

Set Free From Addiction And Depression, Running To Daddy God

Before I discovered Pastor Prince’s ministry, my beliefs and life were totally off base. As a child, I was rebellious and that rebellious streak continued into adulthood. I was taught that God was always angry with me. But somehow, I knew deep down that this was not the case and yearned to discover the true God.

In my youth, I was sexually promiscuous, thinking that love from human relationships was the answer. I found myself in abusive relationships, which led me to a path of drug abuse and an addiction to crack cocaine.

For eighteen years of my life, I was in bondage. I was an addict, a criminal, and a bad mother. I felt I was never good enough. I fell into prostitution and theft. I was always searching for a place to fit in. I went through years of depression, thinking that suicide was the only way out. I was self-absorbed and emotionally distant, which led me to hurt many people.

In the year 2000, God began working in me. At that point I ran away from God because I was so full of shame and guilt. I could not believe that God could love and care for me the way He said He does. In spite of my guilt, I kept searching because I knew I was on the right path. I just did not know how to receive Him.

Little by little the Lord chipped away at my defenses, putting people in my life and revealing Himself to me through them. The turning point for me was the day my dad asked me if I had heard of Joseph Prince and shared with me that Joseph calls God, “Daddy.” I was curious and decided to listen to Joseph Prince’s preaching.

Wow, I finally heard what I had been searching for all my life. I heard the truth about how I could be set free from the law. Everything made sense and everything fell into place.

Since 2010, I stopped running from my Daddy God, and instead, ran to Him. He is everything to me now and today I can’t make decisions without Him.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your preaching. Because of it, I am free from addiction, depression, shame, guilt, self-centeredness, and condemnation. Today, at forty-eight years of age, I know that I am not standing on Mount Sinai. I am standing on Mount Zion! The more I keep my eyes on Jesus, the more my believing, thinking, and life change. I love my new life!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for being obedient to the Lord. God has restored my family. My dad and I watch you every night and relish the time we get to spend together hearing the Word. Watching you has brought us closer.

Once again, thank you for the truth that you bring. I see and hear God coming through you and hope He continues to use and bless you. I never ever thought I would be as happy and free as I am today! Right believing truly does lead to right living!

Debra McKay
Florida, United States
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