Praise Report

Set Free From Condemnation, Daughter Freed Of Brain Tumor

I first saw Pastor Prince on television in June 2010. It had never been my practice to watch any preaching on television, but God told me to stop and listen. Soon, I began listening to Pastor Prince’s messages daily and this replaced my usual morning routine of taking stock of all my failings from the previous day and promising to do better.

I have been a Christian my whole life but I have never grasped what it meant to have no condemnation in Christ Jesus. Like most people, I believed in striving for behavior modification. As I listened to Pastor Prince’s sermons, I began to grow in faith and this helped me to face the many challenges in my life.

Learning about God’s grace came at the right time as my then rebellious daughter asked me to accompany her to the doctor for the headaches that she had been having for so long. What was to follow was beyond my imagination. She was diagnosed with a massive brain tumor that was 7.8 centimeters in diameter—about the size of a fist!

Before we could leave the facility where she had the computerized axial tomography (CAT) scan of her head, her doctor called to tell her she needed to go directly to a larger hospital where the neurosurgeon would meet her in the emergency room. As we walked toward the hospital, she grabbed my arm and stopped me to say, “Mom, I don’t want to die.” My immediate response to her was, “You are not going to die. No one in our family has ever died.” We both laughed through our tears and went in to what was the beginning of the transformation of our lives. I knew in that moment that she was not going to die.

After four surgeries and against the odds, she is alive and well and helping others who have had brain tumors recover. There is so much more to our story and I only wish I had more pages to write about His grace given to us.

To this day, we listen to Pastor Prince’s messages faithfully and the message of His unfailing love never gets old. God met me in my own condemnation and brought me to a place of peace and acceptance of His will. As I write this I realize that what I told my daughter that day is still true. No one in our family has or will ever die, because through Christ Jesus, we will live!

Margie Pratt
California, United States
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