Praise Report

Set Free From Depression And Anxiety Attacks

I have been a Christian for years and have been serving the Lord for more than a decade now. In 2013, I slipped into depression because I suddenly began fearing for my future. I also started having anxiety attacks that were a result of toxic relationships.

During these attacks, I would get heart palpitations and sleepless nights that lasted for months. I also became very emotional and would cry for no reason. I lost my direction in life and I shut out every sermon, advice, and counsel from my pastors, peers in church, and other Christian friends. There was always this voice inside me saying, “I know what you are about to say but no, it will not help me.”

My situation worsened and I slowly lost all faith in God. I felt that nothing in the Bible was practical and resorted to self-help books, self-motivation, making new friends, and doing charity—anything and everything to keep myself busy. However, nothing worked and my anxiety attacks got so frequent it came to the point where I thought death would be the easier option. I finally came to a dead end and it was during this time that I remembered how God had once delivered me from an addiction and bondage. So I told God, “Do what You need to, Lord.”

I humbled myself and started asking for prayer and help. A childhood friend who attends New Creation Church in Singapore came back to Melaka that weekend, after receiving my SOS, and passed me Joseph Prince’s The Power of Right Believing book.

Initially, I was not impressed, but I remembered it was I who had asked the Lord for help so I started reading the book. The first two chapters were all about God’s love, followed by how we are not condemned, how we are highly favored, and how we are His children. I was disappointed. This really was not helping me as I already knew all these truths. What I needed was steps on how to stop these anxiety attacks, ways to cure this shattered heart, and methods to get out of depression. Give me practical steps! I thought. But despite being disappointed, I continued reading the book.

Unsurprisingly, the next chapter was on God’s love. I cried to God saying, “Please, Jesus! Give me steps on how to stand up again; steps on what to do daily!” And again, the next page would be on how God does not condemn His children. This went on for the first few days and during that time, I was still having my anxiety attacks, fear, and depression.

Then, on the third day, it struck me! God’s love is truly enough. Christ is enough. That was what I needed to hear again, to believe again! The love of Jesus is truly enough. It is His love that will overcome our fears, anxiety, depression, bondage, and everything else that is ungodly. I finally understood why God kept speaking to me about His love, His goodness, His grace!

And then, at that very moment, I turned the page to read of how God helped a man named Derek through his anxiety attacks. I closed the book right away and cried. God is so real. He acknowledged my problem and I felt that that testimony was written especially for me. God knew that I had to read the first few chapters to realize just how much He loved me so that I could receive this miraculous revelation.

From then on, I devoured each page slowly, digesting God’s truth, and I was amazed at how concerned Jesus is with my situation. As I continued reading, I started to realize that the words, though written some time ago, were still ever so fresh and relevant to me in my season of need. I wish I could write down everything that made me fall in love again with Jesus and His Word. Right up till the very last page, God was speaking to me over and over again.

Needless to say, the fear, anxiety, and depression that I had been suffering from for the past six months have all gone! I stopped taking my sleeping medication just five days into reading The Power of Right Believing! Now, I am living a life of pure joy, bliss, and peace that is filled with God’s love. I have been completely set free!

My fear has been cast out by perfect love. My anxiety attacks are no more because I realize His love is greater than any challenge I have. My depression has melted because He has given me exceeding joy. My toxic relationships are all gone, replaced by the most important relationship of all—an intimate relationship with Him.

I finally understand that there is no relationship more important than the one we have with Jesus—no love is higher than His love; no grace is as unconditional as His. I have established my identity in Christ and whatever obstacles that have come since then have not stopped me simply because I have learned to live as a victorious overcomer in Jesus’ name. And as it has been, so it will be in my days to come!

Personally, I would like to thank Pastor Joseph Prince for being an amazing instrument of God in reaching out to souls and for preaching and writing God’s truth. I have been touched and I pray many will open their spiritual senses and experience His amazing love.

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