Praise Report

Set Free From Depressive Thoughts, Topped Class in Exams

I am currently living in New Zealand but am originally from Singapore.

In 2013, I took my General Certification of Education Advanced Level (GCE A-Level) examination at Saint Andrew’s Junior College. As it was my A-Level year, I studied really hard for the first half of the year and saw a massive improvement in my results.

However, in July, my boyfriend of 1.5 years broke up with me and left me feeling depressed. As a result, I could not study at all and was struggling to pass my preliminary examinations.

It was during this time that I started attending New Creation Church [in Singapore] regularly. I would sometimes even attend service twice a day. My heart felt at home and a little less heavy every time I went. This helped me to study even if it was just for a bit.

I filled my ears with songs of worship and prayed to God whenever the lingering sadness came back. I trusted the Lord for my studies and let Him guide me while listening to sermons and worship songs repeatedly.

With this, I sat for my A-Levels with a sense of peace. In the end, I topped my class! From failing my preliminary examinations, I obtained 85/90 rank points effortlessly with the Lord Jesus.

Even my teachers who did not believe in me and thought I was a delinquent were amazed and praised me for my results. They had told me I would never be able to make it. But if God is for us, who can be against us?

New Zealand
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