Praise Report

Set Free From Panic Attacks And Anxiety Disorder

Before I started watching Joseph Prince’s sermons in August 2009, I suffered from panic attacks and agoraphobia (fear of places where escape may be difficult or where help may not be available). I couldn’t even take a five-minute drive to the store without a panic attack. I realized getting anxious over a simple thing like that was ridiculous, but it just wouldn’t go away. Some days were worse than others, but for the most part, panic and anxiety were simply a part of my everyday existence.

I’d been to church many times before and was already a Christian. But the type of preaching I’d heard mostly brought a sense of condemnation. I also felt as though my anxiety and panic were the result of God punishing me or trying to set me straight.

One day, this sense of God being angry with me and punishing me no longer felt right. Such condemnation didn’t feel natural. Then, I began watching sermons by Joseph Prince on TV. They opened doors of thinking that I’d not considered before and set me free. It was as though a weight was lifted off me and I could move forward.

The panic attacks didn’t go away overnight, but I began to be much more optimistic. Slowly but surely, the condition began to lose its hold—at first with the aid of pills and help from a psychologist. Eventually, the anxiety disappeared. I didn’t actually visit the psychologist all that much—it was God who had begun His healing work in me.

I continued to grow greatly in the Lord, saw more victories, and enjoyed life much more. All these happened in just a span of two years. By August 2011, I was able to fly from my home in California to the United Kingdom for a family visit. I didn’t even use any pills during the travel. The contrast between this and what I could and couldn’t do in 2009 is astounding! The realization of how God has set me free is something I won’t forget.

Then, in late 2012 and 2013, it seemed as if the anxiety had returned. It was depressing. But after watching more preaching on the Lord’s grace, I came to realize that fearfulness is neither part of who I am nor my true identity in Christ. As a child of God, I wasn’t created to fear. Somehow, I had slipped back into wrong believing by accepting my being fearful as a character flaw.

One night, I woke up in a state of panic. But after remembering how God’s Word says that He has not given me a Spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind (see 2 Tim. 1:7), I felt the fear melt away.

During that period, my grandmother, who helped raised me, was diagnosed with cancer and had come to spend her last days at my house. It seemed like a great weight and responsibility, and I was concerned that it would trigger anxieties. However, despite a few difficulties, I was surprised at how much strength I’d been given for the situation.

Through these experiences, I saw how God has created His children to be strong, courageous, and to be at peace. I may experience fear, but I don’t have to accept it as who I am. Instead, I am righteous and blessed because of what Christ did at the cross. As Jesus is, so am I in this world (1 John 4:17).

As a writer, God has blessed me with tremendous story ideas to write. My relationship with God has definitely improved, as I no longer look at Him as a harsh taskmaster. I now realize He’s my loving heavenly Father—He loves me more than I could ever hope to understand.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, as well as your ministry, for making it possible for me to receive your preaching. I hope this testimony will be a blessing to many. To God be all the praise!

California, United States
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