Praise Report

Set Free From Vices, Living For Jesus

I was born in a Christian family and grew up thinking that God was an angry God. Since young, I was afraid of failing because I didn’t want to anger God. So I started confessing every wrong deed I did.

Finally, I told myself that I would do what I wanted to do in life first and later come back to God. Slowly, I was led astray. I became very bitter and indulged in all kinds of sins— smoking, drinking, and other stuff. Day by day, I knew my life was sinking and that I was a total failure. I didn’t have a proper job and even when I was hungry and had money in my pocket, I would choose cigarettes over food.

I felt very condemned by my actions and decided to give my life to the devil, thinking that he would give me whatever I wished for in this world for free.

Soon, I came under an attack. My mind started to go haywire. One day, I overdosed on drugs and my limbs started twisting by themselves and my heart started beating very slowly. I thought I was going to die that day, but somehow, Jesus saved me.

A year later, I came to the end of myself. I wanted to come back to Jesus but I didn’t know how. In June 2012, I came across Pastor Prince’s sermon and that was the first time I learned that in Christ, I am the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD in CHRIST JESUS.

I took hold of that truth as my armor against my bad habits. Whenever I smoked, I started confessing that I am righteous in Christ, and that cigarettes have no power over me now. All my bad habits left me within two weeks.

Today, I reign over them. It has been almost two years now and the work of God in my life continues to amaze everyone around me. God has also been opening doors for me to preach the good news in Sri Lanka. I thank and praise my Lord Jesus Christ for delivering and saving me. Pastor Prince, I also thank God for you because you have unveiled the beauty and loveliness of Jesus Christ unto men like me.

Stephen Zechariah
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