Praise Report

Set Free From Years Of Bondage And Wrong Believing

I have been a Christian since I was a boy. I attended many different churches and heard so many different “truths” presented that I came to the point of not really knowing how Jesus felt about me.

I suffered from so many fears, and never knew what I could do to get all those blessings that preachers on television talked about. They promised blessings only if I followed certain steps. I didn’t know what mountain—grace or law—my feet were standing on, let alone understand what that meant! I was in despair and at the end of my rope.

I had heard of grace before, but never had a life-transforming revelation of it. One day, I was surfing channels on television and got to a station that was showing the opening sequence of Destined To Reign. I was about to change the channel when I heard the following words: “It’s not about you loving God, it’s about God loving you!”

I was intrigued because I never ever heard that before in all my life. I listened to the rest of the program with tears streaming down my face. I never cried like that even when I got saved! I couldn’t stop weeping as I felt years and years of bondage fall off me as the real gospel—the true love of Christ—was revealed to me.

I saw for the first time that both grace and faith are the person of Christ. My life has not been the same ever again. I cannot get enough of studying the Word to find Him hidden in there and seeing His wonderful grace.

I still weep for joy as I see more and more of Him. I have since begun studying Hebrew and Greek to get an even deeper understanding of this gospel of grace that Paul preached. God had sent Joseph Prince in time to set me free from the years of bondage, wrong believing and bad doctrine.

What more can I say? Words escape me when I try to describe this incredible journey I am on now. I’m not trapped by guilt or fearful of God’s wrath—things that I couldn’t do anything to get rid of. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for this ministry that brought a word of grace that delivered me from years of bondage as a Christian!

Peace, shalom, rapha!

Michael Willingham
Texas, United States
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