Praise Report

Set Free from Panic Attacks and Past Trauma

A couple of years ago, I took part in an oratory competition where I completely forgot my script after the first few lines. I stood with my mind blank as the audience cheered on to encourage me to finish my speech. That only distracted me more, and I was not able to remember the script I’d prepared. I ended up standing there for 6 minutes feeling very ashamed and embarrassed.

The next day, I could not get myself to go to college. I suffered from panic attacks almost every day for the next 6 months. My body would freeze up, and I would get cold sweat. I could not focus on my studies and experienced panic attacks even while sleeping. My mind was filled with visions of the microphone and crowd in front of me, and I would start rehearsing my speech and think about what I could have done differently. These thoughts caged me, and I lost confidence in public speaking.

One day, I heard Pastor Prince say in a sermon that God can heal my past. I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me and say, “This is for you.” I began actively meditating on the Word of God, opening my mouth, and declaring that I am the righteousness of God in Christ and that Christ had taken my shame at the cross and had given me His glory.

The Holy Spirit also led me to the verse in Isaiah 61:7, "Instead of your shame, you shall have double honor," which spoke into my situation. As I learned about how much my Savior loves me, it was the best and most rewarding thing that happened to me during the pandemic lockdown. Over time, I was healed.

One day, I was speaking to my best friend who had had a very rough year and ended up pushing everyone away from him as he struggled with anxiety, panic attacks, cold sweat, and depression. He asked me how I’d gotten over my past that haunted me, and I shared with him about what Christ had done in my life over the past year. Through this, I was able to share the gospel with him in a very personal way. He said it was just what he needed to hear, and I pray he comes to the saving grace of Christ Jesus.

What the enemy meant for evil to distract, shame, and hold me back, my God turned it around for good. He caused this incident to be a testimony for Him! What an awesome God we serve. Thank You, Jesus!

Pastor Prince, I have been listening to your sermons for more than 2-and-a-half years now, and my knowledge of Christ has grown by leaps and bounds. This is just one of my many testimonies. I always fall more and more in love with Jesus as I listen to your messages. All glory and honor to God!

Nathan Varghese
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