Praise Report

Sister Recovered Completely From Serious Brain Injury

My elder sister, a believer who lives in Melbourne, fell in her kitchen, badly bruising her brain. Her twelve-year-old daughter found her bleeding from her nose, mouth, and ears and she was rushed to the intensive care unit (ICU) of a public hospital.

An emergency surgery was done to remove the excess blood in her brain. We were informed by the doctors that she had to be heavily sedated until her condition stabilized. I was devastated by the news. However, I knew that I could declare healing over my sister through the Holy Communion even though I live many miles apart from her in Malaysia.

I began partaking of the Holy Communion on behalf of my sister three times a day. Four days passed but she showed no signs of improvement and her brain pressure remained high. By the fifth day, the doctors decided to keep her under an induced coma. Her brain was already swollen by then and no one was allowed to touch her.

Though discouraged, I continued to partake of the Holy Communion. I would listen to Pastor Joseph Prince’s sermon CDs to keep me focused on the finished work of Christ. In particular, the CD titled, Overflowing Life And Health—Keys From The Story Of Elisha, encouraged me as my elder sister lay in the ICU.

In that sermon, Pastor Prince shared that some of us need to be in a state of deep sleep to allow the Lord to nurse us—like what He did for Elisha. That was when I heard my Abba saying, “Your sister is in a state of deep sleep and you are partaking of bread and water for her. That’s food that will sustain her.” I was encouraged.

However, I was dealt with more bad news from the doctors. I was told my sister wasn’t responding because she had bruised her brain seriously. They kept her on life support and performed a tracheotomy where they inserted a tube into her throat to help her breathe. The doctors said that even if she regained consciousness, she would be in a vegetative state and there was nothing they could do.

However, I believed we have a big Abba who is able to defy all odds. On the tenth day, my sister responded by nodding slightly. However, on the fifteenth day, MRI scans showed signs of bleeding in her brain and the doctors operated on her for the second time. At that point of time, I was deeply discouraged but I heard the Lord’s encouraging words, “It is well.” I continued to partake of the Holy Communion every now and then in the wee hours of the morning and declared His restoration over my sister.

Pictures from her second surgery were sent to me via my mobile phone. I was devastated that I couldn’t be by her side but I continued partaking of the Holy Communion and this time, something arose within me.

I enlarged her picture on the screen of my mobile phone. I sprinkled the breadcrumbs on the picture where her lips were and I declared health and wholeness for her through the Lord’s broken body. I also rubbed water, a picture of His shed blood, over the picture of her lips. Ever since that day, I partook of the Holy Communion using my sister’s picture. No one knew about this except for my husband.

For twenty days, my sister remained unconscious. Then, on the twenty-first day she woke up. Praise Jesus! She continued to open her eyes the following days and her condition gradually improved. After thirty days in the ICU, she was transferred to a general ward and received rehabilitation and other tests to further detect any abnormalities. By then, she was perfectly fine. She could talk, laugh, and even minister to the nurses and doctors who attended to her. Her memory was also much better than before.

The doctors were baffled by this miracle. What they don’t know is that when our Abba restores, He restores 120 percent. Truly, we saw His handiwork all over my sister’s healing.  She was later discharged and given a clean bill of health.

Pastor Prince, your daily devotionals and grace capsule were the channels of hope for us as a family during the difficult season. Your teaching on the Holy Communion gave us hope when all else seemed lost.  Thank You, Abba, for leading Joseph Prince to teach about the Lord’s Supper.

Pastor Linda Paul
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