Praise Report

Son Saved From Choking By Using The Word Of God

The Lord has been teaching me about our authority in Him and exercising this authority on earth. I experienced this when Jesus saved my son’s life.

I was driving home with my son and when we just got out of town, he started to choke on a lollipop. I stopped the car at the side of the road and thumped his back when the lollipop wouldn’t come out of his throat.

Suddenly, I felt impressed to command the lollipop to come out of his mouth in the name of Jesus, and instantly my son vomited it out! The both of us stood at the side of the road for a long time thanking Jesus and being awed by what He had just done. He saved my son’s life.

I have been regularly listening to Joseph Prince’s teachings on grace and I knew for certain that it was not the Lord’s will for my son to perish.

I am so thankful and want to honor Joseph Prince for preaching Jesus for who He really is. I am madly in love with Jesus!

New Zealand
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