Praise Report

Son Selected for Hockey Team Despite Stiff Competition

My son is 14 years old and has been trying out for a double A hockey team in our city. Kids here usually start playing hockey when they’re still very young.

My son only started getting interested in the sport 2 years ago. By the time he was good at skating and able to play hockey, the global pandemic hit. That meant lost skating and playing time. It wasn’t until spring of last year when the ice rink in our place was reopened that he got to play again. He then joined the in-house team, which comprised kids who either started playing hockey late or haven’t joined an advanced team.

My son may really be blessed with his abilities because some coaches noticed him and invited him to play and compete with more experienced kids during Memorial Day weekend. This made him feel like he was ready to join the double A hockey club with more advanced players. These kids have years of skill, experience, and confidence compared to my son. My son really wanted to be part of the team, but the competition was very stiff. This made me anxious as well.

But in the middle of my anxiety, I kept on praying to the Lord to speak to me through His Word about the situation. We wanted this for my son, but I didn’t know what God’s will for us was. When I opened my daily devotional from Pastor Prince, he talked about “time and chance” from Ecclesiastes 9:11. This was the 2nd time that week that I came across Pastor Prince discussing that verse. This time, however, Pastor Prince mentioned that with the Lord’s orchestration, right happenings will happen. It was then that I knew God was talking to me!

This was validated when after the try-out, the coach asked to see us and offered my son a place in the double A team! The coach did not say that he picked our son for his skill but for his attitude and potential to be great. God’s qarah favor was truly at work in my son. The race was definitely not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. To God be all the honor and glory!

Jennifer Marasigan
California, United States
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