Son’s Eczema Completely Gone
Thank you, Pastor Joseph Prince, for the message of grace. I used to attend your church in Singapore until last year when I had to return to the Philippines. My wife who is in Singapore is still attending your church.
My wife and I were childless until I received a Word from God through your message, Restful Increase Vs Stressful Increase, which you preached as the theme of the year in your church in 2010. Now, we have two kids—a three-year-old boy and a one-year-old daughter.
When I returned to the Philippines, the Lord revealed to me during a church service that my son has been completely healed of eczema that was all over his body. However, when I arrived home, I received bad news that my son was suffering from a fever of 38.2 degrees Celsius.
It seemed like what was happening was so wrong, but I knew that God’s grace was working on my behalf and that He had purchased my son’s healing 2,000 years ago. I continued to thank God for the finished work of Christ and I chose to rest.
I laid my hands to pray over him and declared him well, but after I prayed, he told me, “Daddy, I’m not feeling well, I feel like throwing up.” I took him to the bathroom and he vomited.
That night, we partook of the Holy Communion and the next day when I checked his temperature, it was 36.7 degrees Celsius. I was happy at what God had done for him.
The following day, when I saw my son, all his eczema was completely gone! There are no marks of eczema from his face to his feet. Miracles happen when we rest in the finished work of Christ!
Glory to Jesus and Jesus alone.