Praise Report

Successful Outcome For Challenging Project, Offered Management Position

I work in a hospital and was taking steps to complete a project I believe God had called me to do. Success seemed impossible and my co-workers were unsupportive despite positive evidence showing patient benefits. But I persevered and with encouragement from your teachings continued taking it one step at a time.

After four years of persistence, I received word that our hospital had been awarded a prestigious designation because of the project I’d undertaken. Other hospitals in our state had been working toward this designation, but had either not received it yet or did not pass the evaluation.

I say with all humility that this was the grace of God working on my behalf. I was offered a management position with overwhelming favor from the leadership. I stand in awe and amazement of it all! There were three other qualified applicants who did not get it. I am truly loved, highly favored, and greatly blessed.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for lifting people up with the message of grace. I look forward to the future knowing that God will continue to guide and direct me in my purpose and destiny in Christ.

Kehau Kealoha
Hawaii, United States
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