Praise Report

Supernatural Conception After Consecutive Miscarriages

We are from Puerto Rico but we lived in Dallas, Texas, until we moved to amazing Singapore in September 2012, due to my husband’s job.

Before moving to Singapore, I had four consecutive miscarriages. We went to great doctors and did all kinds of tests but they found nothing wrong.

We visited New Creation Church for the first time on 23 December 2012. Despite coming from Christian families, we didn’t know “grace” until we listened to Pastor Prince. In that service, Pastor Prince preached about open wombs. So the next Sunday, which was also Vision Sunday, my husband and I prayed for a baby without each other’s knowledge.

When we learned about each other’s prayer later that day, we both smiled and trusted Jesus. After that, I joined the church’s children’s ministry, Rock Kidz, as a server. A day after serving for the first time, I learned that I was expecting again.

About five weeks into my pregnancy, I started bleeding and all those unfortunate moments came to my mind. But this time, we knew about God’s grace and we prayed. I was admitted to the hospital for fourteen days. During that time, we partook of the Holy Communion and a leader from Rock Kidz also came to pray for me and our baby.

My husband continued to go to church and he would tell me what Pastor Prince preached. A few weeks after I was discharged from the hospital, I had my first sonogram. We listened, for the first time, to the beautiful heartbeat of our baby.

After that, I was on bed rest with limited physical activity for the entire pregnancy. We bought a wheelchair and during our first day out, we went to church and continued to do so every Sunday.

On 2 November 2013, my water bag broke and we went to the hospital. The first time the doctor checked me, I had dilated just 1cm. But within an hour, I had dilated almost 7cm. My doctor remarked, “Some kids come running, yours is sprinting!”

Our champion baby, Keoni (which means “God is gracious” in Hawaiian), was delivered that morning! To Jesus be all the praise, glory, and honor!

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