The Gospel Of Grace Has Put A Smile On My Face'
I am part of a little church of about 60 members in Boyne Island, Queensland, Australia. One of our members started reading your books and shared them with the rest of us. Now, the gospel of grace is reviving our church.
I have been a Christian for 28 years and have been addicted to the Word. I have since bought and read Destined To Reign, Your Miracle Is In Your Mouth and Spiritual Warfare. I have also downloaded three of your messages and ordered Hope Conference from your online store. I find myself listening to your messages unconscious of a smile on my face. It is such good news and we so need to hear it since we have been taught wrong for so long. Now, I can't help but share the gospel of grace with whoever will listen.
Thank you so much for your obedience to preaching God's grace and righteousness. It has so blessed me and our little church is coming alive and being transformed. Your teaching has opened my eyes and now when I read God's living, powerful Word, I get revelation after revelation. Once you see it, you will receive it! I'm so grateful to the Lord for the revelation that He has given you. It truly is a gospel revolution.
My latest saying is, "The gospel of grace has put a smile on my face." It is so much easier to witness for Him now when we know His grace and truth. Thank you, Pastor Prince.