Praise Report

Thyroid Level Returned to Normal

Last March, I was told by my doctor that my thyroid level was low. When I received the report, I thought to myself, “Oh my God, this is bad,” and I was filled with fear for the next few months.

I took the medicine prescribed but had horrible insomnia. When I called the doctor again, I was told to take half the dosage, but I still suffered insomnia and heart palpitations. Thank God the doctor finally asked me to stop taking the medicine and to just eat seaweed.

I ate seaweed like my life depended on it. Then I went to an Eastern doctor and I began taking herbs for my condition.

But what broke the spell for me was when I watched Joseph Prince’s message about healing. He said the root word for the Hebrew word for healing (rapha) meant “relax.” And the key to healing is to rest in the finished work of Jesus. His finished work is the reason we can declare, “By His wounds we are healed.”

Pastor Prince encouraged us to speak healing to our body even before we see it. Believe it, speak it, and it becomes your reality. He taught us to relax knowing that God is healing us.

So I said, “God, I don’t know what I’m doing because whenever I exercise too much, I get sick. And since I have a low thyroid level, I am just gaining weight even when I’m not eating much. I feel defeated. I can’t do anything on my own. But I believe that by Your stripes I am healed.”

In May, I did another blood test and my thyroid levels were completely normal. Praise God!

Rebekka Lien
California, United States
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