Praise Report

Timely Grace Inspiration Dispels Lump In Breast

In early January, I was telling the ladies in my Bible study group about your ministry and was recommending them your online resources. I encouraged them to sign up for your Daily Grace Inspirations by sending them the signup link. In the process, I also signed up to receive them myself.

Subsequently, I went to my doctor for my regular checkup after my mammogram because I had an early-detected case of breast cancer five years ago. The doctor who’d examined me said she’d felt a lump. She proceeded to conduct an ultrasound on me but because the scan wasn’t very clear, she requested that I stayed on to have a further scan done by the radiologist.

I agreed but I began speaking scriptures over the lump and refused to give in to fear. As I was waiting, I received your Daily Grace Inspirations email titled, Choose Not To Worry, on my phone.

The message encouraged us not to worry and quoted the verse from Matthew 6:27—“Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” In that message was also the testimony of a woman in your church who was diagnosed with lumps in her breast after a mammogram. However, she believed that she was healed and even wrote on her medical report that Jesus is her healer and that she’d received her healing. And a subsequent ultrasound scan the very same day revealed no evidence of any lumps!

I almost burst into tears because I knew that the message was for me. I claimed it and also pulled out other scriptures from 1 Peter 2:24 and Nahum 1:9 to meditate on. And even though I wanted to call my husband and friends to pray for me, I didn’t because I felt that God was telling me to trust Him.

An hour later, I was scanned twice. However, the radiologist who conducted the scan was unable to find the lump and I had to point out the location to her. However, all she said was, “I can’t find anything! There’s nothing on the film and I can’t find anything!”

Praise God for His healing hand and touch on my life that morning and for the encouraging message from your ministry! For in between scanning and checking, I’d continued to believe for my healing, laid hands on the affected area and claimed victory in Jesus’ name. I also spoke over the lump, all the time remembering the testimony shared in your email.


Brenda Moore
California, United States
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