Tired From Depending On Self And Finding Hope Again In Grace
Two years ago, our daughter said, “Mom, you must watch Joseph Prince.” I didn’t. Our daughter kept at it until one day, I scanned through the Christian television channels and there was Joseph. I stayed on the channel and watched skeptically thinking to myself that the sermon would be just another dry, unedifying sermon.
Instead, what I heard were words of hope stemmed from grace. From past sermons that were preached to us, my husband and I thought that everything depended on us. My heart ached for help in this world from the battering we had taken in life. It seemed like there was no hope to succeed in getting closer to God or to succeed in this life.
Then, I heard what Joseph said about grace. I knew he was telling the truth and I needed my daily dose of the truth about Jesus. We would watch his broadcast daily if possible. My husband and I can’t wait to tune in to his broadcasts at 9am and 9:30am five days a week. We so love your teachings, Joseph.
Iowa, United States