Praise Report

Tithing Brings Financial Blessings And Supernatural Provision For Couple

Thank you for bringing such a refreshing message! I was unemployed for 18 months and have written to your ministry before for prayer.

Three months ago, I went to a company that was looking for freelancers. I met with a lady there and showed her my artwork. After a few minutes, she asked that I come in the next day. When I came in the next morning, she asked if I would be interested in a full-time position with the company. I nearly fell off my chair in disbelief. I said, “Yes, Ma’am, I would.”

What was interesting to me was her reason for hiring me. She liked my artwork a lot but said, “You bring a positive energy that our company really needs right now.”

There was something she sensed about me. I know what it was. It was God's favor! Hallelujah! This is also a better company and much closer to where I live.

I would like to add one more amazing thing. When I lost my job, my wife and I lost over half of our income! I thought that surely we would have to sell our home, sell one of our two cars and remove other conveniences. Prior to this, I had not tithed from my paychecks. We had given random offerings but tithing was something I just felt I couldn’t do.

After losing my job, I had no choice but to freelance and do whatever I could. I also decided to tithe on the money earned from any freelance assignments that I received. My wife was not very happy with my decision but to her credit, she consented. To most people, this did not make any sense and was perhaps even looked upon as a stupid thing to do considering the situation we were in. But I just felt moved to do this so I tithed in varying amounts, from $10, $20, $100 to $200, depending on the assignments I received. During this time in the “wilderness”, I also decided to attend church regularly.

Here’s the amazing part. God provided for us in such a way that we didn't have to sell our home or anything. We were even able to keep our conveniences though the freelance jobs were irregular. Toward the last six to eight months, I only received about five freelance opportunities but I still tithed on what I was paid. My wife and I had also decided to move our savings into a stock trade account. And we would put whatever we could into that account from the freelance money I received from these assignments.

But here's the most amazing part of all of this. When I finally received this job at the company, my wife and I reviewed our savings account and were shocked to find that our savings in our bank account had increased to $30,000, a sum we did not have when I lost my job! I believe that the 90 percent that was left over after tithing of which a portion I placed into the stock trade account, God had increased it.

We were dumbfounded and humbled. Not only did God provide for us during this period, He also filled our savings account with more money. Hallelujah! Our Father is so loving. What an amazingly good God we serve!

Thank you for your prayers and for opening our minds and hearts to the truth of God's love for all His precious children. God continually increase you and your ministry in Jesus’ name!

Illinois, United States
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