Praise Report

Toddler Relieved of Bad Stomachache after Prayer

My 2-year-old son, Cole, woke up late one night with a stomachache. The poor little guy was in so much pain. I prayed for him but I kept doubting that God was going to touch him.

The Holy Spirit brought Hebrews 7:25—about how Jesus interceded with God on our behalf—to my mind. So I asked Jesus to have faith for Cole’s healing on my behalf.

After that, Cole laid his head on me and stopped crying. As I continued to rest and trust in Jesus’ faith, I soon felt Cole burp out all the nasty gases in his tummy. He fell asleep right after. No more tummy aches!

I’ve never felt such peace before. I used to be fearful and could never rest despite the number of times I’d heard and read of God’s faithfulness. But now I know Jesus takes care of me and I can always depend on His faith instead of my own.

Thank You, Jesus!

Nicole Shoemaker
Missouri, United States
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