Praise Report

Tree Kept from Falling on House

Two years ago, we had very strong storms and winds throughout the winter season. The winds terrified me because we have a 30-plus-year-old maple tree that was almost 50 feet tall outside our house. It swayed threateningly in the strong winds.

At night, I would pray in tongues and recite Psalm 91 while trying to fall asleep despite the storm. The next day, I’d collect the twigs and branches that fell during the night. Some of these branches were 6 feet in length! But by the grace of God, none of them fell on our home.

On one particular occasion, it was a violent, windy evening, and I was lying in bed with fear, praying that the tree would not break and fall on our house. The Holy Spirit brought Psalm 23:4 to my mind and I recited it repeatedly, visualizing the Lord Jesus with His rod directed at the tree, protecting me. I soon fell asleep peacefully.

The next morning, I went out and was amazed to see that there was NOTHING under the tree for me to collect. Since then, we have had more severe windstorms, and I have only had to pick up a few small twigs, all of which had fallen far from our house. How faithful and loving our Lord is!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for encouraging us to speak God’s Word over our lives. I now declare, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7), whenever I feel fearful about anything. The Holy Spirit also brought to my attention Isaiah 51:16 that says, “And I have put My words in your mouth; I have covered you with the shadow of My hand.”

I thank God for your wonderful ministry and faithful adherence to revealing the glory of our Lord Jesus and the gospel of grace. God bless you!

Maryland, United States
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