Praise Report

Tumor Disappeared While Meditating On God’s Word And Taking Communion

I have been meditating on the truth that “by His stripes I am healed now” and taking the Holy Communion for a while now.

Recently, I noticed that a benign skin tumor located in an area that I would have to be a contortionist to see had disappeared. Although I could not see the tumor, I could touch it easily. A dermatologist had diagnosed it as seborrheic keratosis sometime around 2002, and offered to remove it if I wanted, but I’d declined.

The amazing part is that while meditating and taking Communion all this while, I never gave a single thought to that benign tumor! I was focusing on other issues that I considered much more important. But the tumor simply disappeared. It is completely gone and I do not know how!

I believe that the other physical issues will also disappear just as effortlessly as the tumor did as I continue to meditate and take Communion. After all, all diseases are already borne by Jesus and taken away at the cross. Praise God!

Until I learned about the importance of meditating on God’s Word and taking the Holy Communion, and how much God loves me, I never had this kind of patience and expectancy. Sometimes, it is still a challenge. But with what I have in my arsenal now, I expect to win. Praise God!

Thanks, Pastor Prince, for making the Word so practical and powerful!

Pat Fleming
North Carolina, United States
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