Praise Report

Victim of Bullying Freed from Depression and Addictions

I was bullied as a kid and I became lonely and depressed. I started smoking heavily in my early teens and became a heavy drinker when I turned 18. I would smoke 2 packets of cigarettes a day, sometimes 3 under the influence of alcohol. I would quit smoking for a while but pick it up again because my desire for it never left.

I also became very self-centered and self-righteous. I lived and behaved as though the world revolved around me. I even hurt everyone around me with my words, believing I was just being straightforward.

I started attending New Creation Church (Singapore) in 2014, but didn’t seem to see anything good happen in my life. I continued to be fixated on performance through my works because I had grown up being taught I had to earn God’s blessings.

When I enlisted for National Service (a statutory requirement for male Singaporean citizens) in 2016, I decided to humble myself and make peace with whomever I had hurt in the past. When things didn’t go my way, I became even more depressed. I would cry every night in the shower because of feelings of condemnation and pain.

I looked forward to drowning my sorrows in alcohol whenever I had time out of camp. However, I felt even more empty after getting drunk, and knew alcohol wasn’t the solution. My mom cried so much because of what I was going through.

Later, my mom and sister ministered to me about how God had come so that I may have life, and have it more abundantly. I started listening to Pastor Prince’s sermons whenever I could and would even secretly stay up late at night just so I could keep on listening. I often walked back and forth in my bunk because hearing about Jesus made me happy.

Miracles began to happen in my life and that year ended on a good note. When Pastor Prince declared the following year to be the year of Jubilee, I believed that God had much more in store for me. In early February, the Lord miraculously delivered me from 6 years of smoking and 3 years of heavy drinking!

Moreover, I used to sleep for a few hours every night and would often get digestive problems due to depression. But now I can sleep like a baby and I no longer have digestive problems. Depressive thoughts also have no more hold on me. Jesus has broken all my chains and healed me completely! All praise and glory to Him!

Not only that, Jesus gave me favor and I’m in a great vocation in the Singapore Police Force. Jesus never owed me anything, yet He freely blessed me. It was indeed a year of Jubilee!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for preaching the gospel of grace. Amazing things have happened since I started listening to your messages. I’m living life loved by Jesus. I’m being transformed from glory to glory as I behold Him and declare the righteousness He came to give me.

I declare more people shall be healed and set free for the glory of our God Most High. Amen!

Genesis Philemon
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