Praise Report

Wart on Hand Gone after Declaring God’s Word

I read the testimonies on Joseph Prince’s website when I need to boost my hope and faith. As I was going through them many months ago, I was drawn to the testimonies about speaking to growths on the body and how these growths would literally shrink or dry up and eventually “fall off.” I was so amazed by this.

I had a wart on my left hand for several years. I began speaking to it every day. Once a day, whenever I remember to I would say, “I command you in the name of Jesus to be dried up by the roots and cast into the sea.”

This went on for probably two months with no change in the wart before I slowly began to see it getting smaller. When it was very small it stopped reducing in size. I continued my declarations and then just forgot about it.

Nearly 6 months later, I scratched the remaining bump on my hand. I was able to pick off the skin and out came the entire thing. Underneath was the smallest hole that healed completely in just a couple of days. The entire thing is gone and it only took me a few seconds to curse it daily for many months. What a great example of healing with no medication or pain!

Michigan, United States
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