Praise Report

Years Of Chronic Acne Cleared Up

I suffered from chronic acne since I was 12 years old. When I moved to the United States at age 18 with my family, the acne got worse. As a result, I rarely went out of the house except when I needed to go to school or to church. I wouldn’t even try to talk to my classmates or other people, and I couldn’t look straight at their faces when I did because I was so embarrassed by the acne that covered my face.

I went to different dermatologists and tried different medications, but they didn’t work. Fed up and depressed, I developed low self-esteem and believed I was ugly.

Then, my mother introduced me to Joseph Prince’s television program. I bought a couple of CDs and DVDs, subscribed to the daily devotionals, and meditated on God’s Word, especially the passages about healing. I also partook of the Holy Communion.

Praise God! I do not have acne anymore. I even got compliments from people and I feel more comfortable talking to people now.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your Jesus-centered messages and resources!

New York, United States
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