See Christ in the grain, wine and oil
About eight months ago, I began reading the Daily Grace Inspirations every morning and listening...
My daughter had been having tightness in her chest for several weeks. It was getting...
I was not happy with the nature of my job. I actually wanted to teach...
I accepted Jesus when I was a young child but my Christian walk has been...
I used to suffer from a sleeping disorder. I would wake up in the middle...
A few years back, I started watching you on television. I had been in bondage...
I was very discouraged even though I was doing much in the church as a...
I injured my right arm in February last year while lifting a heavy box onto...
I thank my Daddy God for Pastor Joseph Prince’s ministry, Grace Revolution Church Online (GRCO),...
Recently, a friend allowed me to stay at her home. I had never heard of...